Nonprofit Board Appreciation Ideas

Board members are the primary force behind the operation of your nonprofit. They make important decisions and assign tasks that are mission-driven to staff. It is important to show appreciation because they volunteer for around 10 hours per month and are in the position for three years.

If it’s a gift for a welcome or a special award for achievement or a retirement celebration, recognizing your board members and their contributions is a crucial aspect of making sure they feel valued for what they do for your organisation. The right board member appreciation gift is a great way to show the importance of your organization and can help set the tone for your relationship with them.

The ideal gift will not only be an expression of gratitude but will also serve as a reminder for your employees of the impact their work has made on your organization. Your gift will be an tangible reminder that you appreciate the hard work they put into it, whether they drink water from or keep their notes in the wine tumblers engraved with their name.

School board members are vital to your school district and deserve to be recognized for their dedication to the students. In honor of School Board Recognition Month (SBRM) in January, we’ve created some ideas schools can implement to honor their dedicated trustees. You can also download free templates and resources from KSBA. These materials can be used in the creation of various engaging activities that highlight the achievements of your school boards and help them reach more people.

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