Adaware Review – Is Adaware Total Worth Buying?

Adware is one type of malware. It is not as malicious as viruses that damage systems or spyware that collects information but it is just as annoying and disruptive. It’s also commonly used to execute unwanted tasks on your device, including recording the places you visit and then displaying advertisements that are targeted to the specific locations. This is an excellent way for authors of adware to earn money without selling their product directly.

Adaware review, in contrast to other competing products offers only Windows security. The free version does not support Mac or iOS devices. It also provides 24 hour technical support for customers of its Total and Pro packages. The basic-only package provides the ability to monitor your behavior in real-time and automatic scanning of downloaded files as well as a robust firewall. It doesn’t include protection for web and email or any other extras like a file shredder.

In AV-test’s lab tests, the software performed well. It managed to eliminate all known threats it was tested against and block 97% of 0-day attacks. These results are impressive, but not as high as the top security suites.

Adaware Total is currently 30% more expensive than the competitors. This is due to the fact that the firm decided to stop offering multiple levels of protection and instead bundle all of their tools into one bundle. Although this means you’ll only receive one license, it will provide access to a vast array of PC security and privacy tools, including the removal of tracking cookies optimization tools that speed up Windows boot times as well as the ability to block apps from accessing your microphone or camera.

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