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Although we were not assimilated and killed, the process of our destruction has never stopped. Even the romans destroyed the druids when they found them, as if this disgust of those connected to the earth was part of some ancient evil that goes who knows how many empires and autocracies’ back in time. You need to have friends, neighbours, family and everyone around you helping to make this happen. This lets us be able to lower the cost of electricity and our attachment to it more than anything else. Creating a community of people around you gets around a lot of the rules of modern business, and can also create a pleasurable or at least effective environment..

This is done by each community at will and the government simply allocates them land in order to cultivate as it did with the allotments during world war 2, and streaming internet to learn and tools etc to get started. Most green, simple vegetables, about 80% of the vitamin intake will come from this. The idea is this new low connection society should grow until we can also do cereals and staples using this system. This requires more specialisation for communities who still live and work together but get all their income from the work they do growing wheat, potatoes etc.

Many people have also lost their jobs and the capacity to renew their data packages, so have gone offline, just at a time when online forms and services become a far more attractive format than going in person to somewhere that with the lockdown is probably now closed. If you have a physical lan going a host of classic apps are available so you can do local installations of anything from rocket chat to forums. We are lucky in Spain/catalonia to have guifi.net Yield on 10 which provides mesh based line of sight wifi many of which can be accessed to give cheap internet or at least access to a wider mesh. But beyond a name, this last aspect about AI is really interesting because if considered from a Buddhist perspective, a lot of the time we are working towards human happiness, without taking into account the environment. This is where people don’t eat meat or even go to extreme lengths not to kill anything or anyone.

We then have also an administration area, which serves to allocate volunteers to needs expressed by the supportees. What I do think is missing is a higher level of input from health professionals – possibly those self isolating who have been helping out in the health and safety working group. So we can work with them to provide posters and info, and I think we can use this system to find ways to provide essential items to hospital staff, as well as help neighbours and businesses around us.

Aanapappan – The Texture of Life

I´ve seen people buy things for others in self isolation and share tips, or information about the neighbourhood and the availability of items, even just sharing numbers to have a little chat. We have a local side from our neighbourhood group, which I hope results in more and more local groups, and then the incredible efforts of Glasgow Mutual Aid in creating a shared system to derive volunteers & resources to those in need. This is what many metaverse proponents argue is the future – where different 3d virtual realities might be interconnected the same way the world wide web was once envisioned – a simple standard allowing you to connect disparate platforms in ways people can readily access. I can see this concept migrate from gaming into buying and selling with apps like Wallapop where you are buyer and seller at once, or the ability to work under a pseudonym or company name in commercial social networking services.

We can have a whole lesson on police repression and about what happens when you value a nationalist sentiment more than the life or well being of another human being. Just then the sky filled with clouds and lighting struck right in the path of the machines, and hit the mouse and the fox, who was in the biggest most destructive machine. The land rumbled and the earth parted and the machines began speeding away to avoid being sucked in, and then the river tide rose and watered all the cracks in the ground which became lakes. When the other animals in the forest heard about the lakes they journeyed over to see for themselves.

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But also there is a predilection for “life” as only meaning that which is organic and currently alive, whereas I used to love some of the interpretations of the silent prayers in Nichiren Buddhism where the entire universe that has potential for life should be worthy of our absolute care, as valuable as the care we have for other living beings. So we’re going beyond just caring for humans as if they are above animals, and even beyond the idea that animals come before their environment. Although I have always known I was indigenous Aymara on one side, I recently found out that like many people with ancestors in my northern Chilean region I also descend from the conquistador Francisco de Aguirre who took part in the sack of Rome.

And she kept on going, down into the darkest cave swimming down the deepest underground streams. “We have to help her. She just wants to take care of the valley..” for the sick mouse’s daughter had taken up the quest. One of the tools we are developing at FairCoop is the Open Collaboration Platform or OCP, a fork of the NRP used in Sensorica for peer to peer process management in creating sensors.

The socially constructed pheroverse

“So be gone with you” said the fox, because he wanted to build houses for the humans who lived in the mountains. Once upon a time there was a mouse who wanted to take care of a valley he had found. Knowledge and connections, all his culture and language was slowly melting away. Sexist and patriarchal attitudes are evident in indigenous circles, but also present in the countries that now exist across where andean cultures evolved before the conquest.

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We each grow enough food to sustain our own little group with minimal imports of whatever we can’t produce inside.This way we really reduce the chance for any outbreak to get out beyond our walls, and for it to get in, as there is a shared policy between neighbour associations that each block will quarantine as soon as there is a case. As the crumbling pre pandemic structures began to show they couldn’t really deal with adapting, new forms of governance emerged. We now had a social contract, an individual list of ethical vows and choices, that kept changing as our own beliefs and connections changed. It replaced the concept of a constitution as there was nothing to constitute, just individual agreements between people so they could all go on existing. We had kept most of the internet from before, just in a more disjointed way as the large providers closed down or went “elite”, and as citizen wifi initiatives and data coops started to replace the bankrupt city networks and the mainstream internet, which had become a pay as you go nightmare due to crashing IT giants. Electric disobedience is a radical lifestyle where you attempt to use the least possible amount of commercial petrol or fossil fuel based electricity normally purchased from large companies, and which is frequently the source of many environmental or cultural/societal issues for the workers and local people in these places.

Throughout all this time the Mars program is still financed by rich businessmen who plan to begin a colony there. Around 10 households can use what is normally used by electric companies to power a single one. In spain it’s possible to take out a specific contract for a staircase or shared account across a group. They all take on the challenge of reducing their consumption and lifestyle taking a little from the past and a little from newer ideas, but mostly from the ideas of people actually there.

Even if they want something antiquated like a republic, when they could go for something so much more daring or fair. She walked in front of the angry machines that were gathered there to destroy the trees and plants and make the land into a desert so they could build on it. “That’s it. I’ve had enough. I’ve spent most of my life trying to defend this land and I am not going to stop today.” “But don’t worry little mouse. I am not evicting you or your little friends. You are welcome to stay and work in the valley for a modest rent once the building is complete.” “When the sun returns I will bring my machines and destroy all this nonsense, to make way for my impeccable buildings.”

Para Chile

In today’s online simulated spaces, areas of the VR world are seen as public, but a personal 3d space could be very different, showing aspects of your needs, dreams, fears, psyche, knowledge, connections etc, and in ways that could be very creative but also inherently private and intimate. Socially, the arrival of the remote possibility in people’s minds that China was not even under human control, meant that robots are completely a no-no in the minds of people in the 2040s and people are very hostile to Martina initially, although her actions quickly win over the populace. There are absolutely no cyborgs at this point, as the singularity has caused a kind of social rift where robotic extensions are concerned, so people choose other ways of changing the way they look. I think every character should have an arc where they somehow accept their position in the new robotic paradigm, where you can be made of anything and extend yourself in any way you imagine, even blurring what it actually means to be you. Cyborg Girl hides her robotic parts and has a love hate relationship where she’s ashamed of them when not fighting. Most people fear any robotic parts they had would be controlled by the general AI.

  • These mutual networks of neighbours, now form so many groups across glasgow, and have been helping each other to get past this pandemic in solidarity with each other, using community networks as a way around the incapacity or unwillingness of many spaces to protect anyone but those who can pay or have the power to be cured or tested.
  • It had all gone on a crash course towards more neoliberalism than even we were subjected to here.
  • It’s a 3d understanding of interface and space that transcends boxes and screens and allows us full editing capabilities over the known universe, within this simulated metaverse.
  • We survived explorers and supposedly learned men who described us as savages as they killed us and our animals and destroyed the environment around us from Patagonia to the most northern coasts, from the farthest reaches of the earth to the soul of Glasgow on its old druid’s hill.
  • We don’t know how many other horrible, disgraceful and really savage acts lurk in our past, many are not as lucky as myself and are left wondering what could have happened, or even pretend they are not to blame because of what happened decades or in some cases centuries ago, as if that kind of pain could just be forgotten, perhaps if enough victims die..

Unfortunately, when we look at this information it is not clear, or readily available and the prevailing idea is that which is presented by mainstream information. So in-depth information on homosexuality amongst indigenous andean cultures is hidden in the way back archive, and it’s all piecemeal bits of information that escaped being burnt and destroyed by repulsed and probably repressed conquistadors. When there was the last of the recurring outbreaks near Manchester, we closed our doors for 2 months and survived on what we had in our block, in our small circle of people. Although our tiny communities are like a permanent lockdown system allowing us a simple social and economic life, it is backed by the state structures we can no longer rely on as we once did, and for many months in a year, we do without the supermarkets, the hospitals and airports and are forced to be healthy, to do manual work. On harvest days there is a regular rota of people from the blocks going to the fields in a constant timetable of workers, each working only with their block group.. There was more work, more growth but it was not based on anything stable.

Creating Dashboards In Sage Enterprise Intelligence(SEI)

We could all, simultaneously, around the world, get all the materials, work to understand the process and raise the cash, and one day all switch to modern ecological appropriate urban tech that uses renewables usually recycled by town council services. It would allow for shared presence and third space in ways we still don’t conceive of, allowing us to use still the benefits of the office and business world in a post capitalist setting. So I march also for those who have still not realised these things, for those who think they have no way of going back to reconnect with the earth because their connection was broken so strongly, and so long ago.

30 Families live here side by side each one in six separate apartment blocks forming a wind rose. These mutual networks of neighbours, now form so many groups across glasgow, and have been helping each other to get past this pandemic in solidarity with each other, using community https://1investing.in/ networks as a way around the incapacity or unwillingness of many spaces to protect anyone but those who can pay or have the power to be cured or tested. We hope that now with the new bill, we are now able to complement initiatives like the NHSs new call for volunteers.

The gods reacted so favourably to the Kusayapu school band that every time they played there were rain storms across the atacama desert, with the audience asking them to play a bit more quietly or let them cover the electrical system first at least. Apart from this rain 7 music detail, the indigenous curriculum has now been implemented in many schools across the region. But she rejected the medicine and hospitals in the city and refused to live her last days in that environment. In the traditional Aymara house that my family got converted to legal status finally after a long process.

I am guessing the staple and more water or management intensive vegetables – the stuff that’s harder to grow – will need to be done at a city or regional level. I had thought of a community block unit, but that block is in a square – i.e a group of 4 or more communities. At the corner of the building, on the opposite side, we can see the next community, just a farm´s distance from ours. Each block community is surrounded by a green ring that brings them most of their nutrients and about a third of their total food intake. Some of us don’t practice farming in blocks, or they do but at a very reduced rate. A very different looking specialisation with a lot more machinery where our community is more farm based, the next one along is more industrial.

They even once reportedly fought over one of these macabre 70s shop displays, as they could be bought quite cheaply, and all the refugees were quite poor. For me, the first encounter with this strange fascination was only when we first went back as a family to Chile after all the exiles were pardoned and we were able to return. When it was my granddad’s birthday or saint, we’d have a huge party and all the 12 kids and all my cousins would come.

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