Beauty defeats “Allods Online”, or why do you, girls, gamers love?
In mid -June, another competition ended "Miss Alloda Online 2012" , During which users determined the beauty queen of the world of Sarnout. It would seem that the competition as a competition is held in many online worlds, nothing special. But our attention was attracted by this: this year one of the participants in the competition agreed to a photo shoot for the male portal Maxim Online . Hmm … something new!
You can see the results of the competition on the project website. In the meantime, we became interested in what was happening, contacted the organizers from Allods Team, and as a result, the idea was born to ask the girls about any reason. As an object for experimental research, we chose two winners and, of course, a participant in a photo shoot with erotic elements. So the material, conceived as a joke in the form of everyday news, unexpectedly grew for us In a detailed article.
Expanded article
So, the finalists of the competition – who are they? Are they real, or is it, as they say, the "Aztsky" creatures of PR and the stupefying of the people? What they do in life, why they love online games, what hobbies they have? Are simple-hammers interesting for them?
“Miss Alloda online 2012” answered our questions Alruna and vice-miss Pacitta , as well as a special -nominee Anabel (for us is already just Katya, Olya and Anya). We admit, initially the goal for us was Anabel, but in practice an interesting dialogue came out just with Alruna and packetta.
All the most interesting , What we managed to get out of conversations with girls – read below. And you can see the full photo shoot Anabel on the website Maxim Online.
All the most interesting
The finalists inspired about the choice of a game character and worldly hobbies. Dispelled myths about girls-gamers and their preferences among guys. Shared secrets and devoted to details of personal life.
Miss Alloda Online 2012: Alruna
Alruna is the Queen of the Online "Allods", and she has to sit on the virtual throne until the next competition, which will happen in a year.
In the life of Katya – a future auditor by profession and an adventurer by vocation. Albeit within the framework of the current legislation, as the girl herself says. Knows how to play an electric guitar and sing. Prefers team games and near -battle weapons – an ax, flamethrower ..
The girl began the path to the highest level in the game at the open test stage, and for the first time she learned about the project from Gamberry magazine , Seeing a sticker with gibberings. In the game, Katya appreciates beautiful landscapes (calls his favorite location – a desert under the scorching sun), a storyline and communication with new people. Alruna's character – Elf-Necromant of the maximum 51st level , which specializes … in the treatment of the Sopartians. The girl can be found on the server "Last line". Persuns in the league, a member of the guild "Apology". Virtually married to the character of Gromimolniya. Queen's forum account – Mistorx.
I did not want to participate in the competition, but succumbed to the persuasion of friends. And, it seems, not in vain persuaded. By the way, the most amazing thing is that the queen's heart is still not busy in real life!
[] Why did such a character choose just such a character? Is the truth they say that women choose characters for the appearance?
[Alruna] Partly in appearance, I chose a fraction. Then she began to choose the class, and – yes, the necromancer conquered me right away. I can’t even answer why it is the lord of the dead, and not, for example, “Druelka” with a charming trot. But I will say in excuse that I have never regretted my choice and never thought about a class change. And since the league necromancers can only be elves, I chose this race. True, if I had a choice, I would still choose elves – they are so fabulous, but which girl does not want to believe in a fairy tale?
[Pachatta] Honestly, I chose an elf only because this race at that time was voiced, unlike the Kaniyans. It looks small and fragile, but in reality big and strong. Yes, and I like to play paladin – a warrior owning a sword and light. A strong character, passing almost the entire game path without any help. Very similar to me :). And the fact that the girls choose who to play, focusing on the appearance of the character – why not? But I rather do not attribute myself to such.
[] Gamers love to convince each other that girls do not play online games (almost), and you won’t find beautiful girls there at all during the day! Beauty contests, they say, this is all “crap and substitution, this can not be, the girl is not real, the results are tapped”. Try to convince those who do not believe in you?
[Alruna] Girls-gamers are an order of magnitude less than men. Maybe most modern girls have other interests (what to hide here, the majority think about love, nightclubs …), or maybe they can’t imagine how many interesting things await them in the vast virtual reality. But about the fact that there are no beauties … Well, this is simply an insult! I myself have a lot of breathtaking friends playing "Allods"!
I think it’s not the only one for me to be offended for the prevailing opinion that if any girls play online games, then extremely ugly. Believe me, this is not at all! Of course, in the game process itself, we do not look like on the catwalk, but who will bring a marath to and get to play to play? I am sure that men do not shave to pass a quest or fly to the astral. Is I real? Of course, the real one, or who, in your opinion, answers these questions? 🙂
[Pachatta] I can only say that it is impossible to convince such people. Many now believe that with my success in the "Allods" I owe the fact that I am in the top -end guild, everything has been bought and everywhere there are connections. Well, this is their right. They are free to think everything that comes to their mind. Although we, of course, laugh at the whole team. This should be treated either very simple or nothing.
Vice-Miss of the Competition: Pacitta
Pacitta-Vice-Miss, who took second place and lost to Alrun in the struggle for the sympathy of the voting. As far as we heard, it was not the end it was not clear which of the two girls would become a winner.
In real life, Olya is a student and future lawyer. Participates in the life of the project since the time of closed testing. Olya High Opinions about Video Girl lovers. According to Vice-Miss, players are able to distinguish between “complex spatial patterns”, have extensive knowledge in the field of technology, and are also endowed with pumped imagination and quick wits. By the way, it sounds very reasonable.
In virtuality, the pachet represents Elf-Khramovnik the highest level that lives on the server Split. Consists in the league, member Brotherhood of Twilight Forest. Forum account – Sterlingpatchetta. Married to a game character Cup. Pacitta herself says that she is endlessly devoted to her native guild. According to numerous game acquaintances – looks completely impregnable.
Like Alruna, Olya was not going to participate in the competition at first. And again the persistence of one of the friends of the girl worked. Olya refused to talk about personal life, but noted that she loves new acquaintances and, most importantly for new friends, not to be afraid of a formidable high -level paladin!
[] tell me what you are fond of life, except for "allods"? Hobbies, interests? And at the same time, we will not hold back and ask – what other video games were hooked on you?
[Alruna] I am fond of music, I trudge with rock, it doesn’t matter whether it is domestic or foreign. Because of this great love, I went to the Rock school to learn to play an electric guitar. I did not expect it that it was so complicated! But I like to study.
Well, other games … In general, I like to play LFD, Team Fortress, Contra. I like to run in the team and fight against the enemy team, whether it be the people or army of the zombie. I am especially adore weapons of close combat – for example, flamethrower or ax.
[Pachatta] My last games were Portal 2 and Dead Space 2. Still food from them!
In general, I devote a lot of time to study (when the topics are interesting, of course). I like to draw. I like to travel – probably, that's why I decided to come to Moscow for the competition. And I also love physical activity – this is the only activity during which I don't think about anything.
[] what people see you in life? Say, “Don’t come, I’ll kill”, “I love everyone, but Platonic”, “Go away, I'm busy lady” … but in the game? “Come, kill”, “I love everyone, but first I am zombie”, “Go away, I'm crafting”? Jokes jokes, but how are you in the game and in life – is it different, is it the same?
[Alruna] I am almost the same in the game and in life, except in the game a little more relaxed. “Do not come, I’ll kill” – this is definitely not about me, in my soul I am a pacifist, excluding minutes of weakness, of course. Therefore, by the way, I play the “frail”, let it sound strange: “The lord of the dead, creating good”.
[Pachatta] Friends say that if they had not known me as good as now, they would never have come to know each other. I don’t know if I make such an impression in the game, but I myself consider myself friendly. Always for dialogue. As for the comparison of the game character and me-somewhere on a subconscious level, probably some parallels are carried out. As long as the Paladins know, they are all strong in character, independent and sometimes, methodically splitting barriers, can explain to the opponent that he is wrong.
Specialization: Anabel
Anabel is a winner in the “same special nomination” from Maxim Online.
In life, Anya is a future computer science teacher. Combines studies at a pedagogical university with the work of a photographer and sound engineer, but manages to find time for playing or participating in the competition.
In "Allods" he plays for a long time. The girl admitted that she loves fairy -tale worlds, especially with the Slavic raid. Character Anabel – Elf-bar 36th level that lives on the server Eternal call. Like previous finalists, it is in the league. Guild member The embodiment of desires.
Here's how Anya tells about herself:
– I can play all day , And the next day I will go to work at a wedding by a photographer or in a park, to perform for vacationers with funny songs.
– I played Runes of Magic for a long time , Now I sometimes hang in Diablo 3 and Heroes VI … Well, that's all, I have enough.
– Choosing the appearance of the character – This is the most interesting for me, as for all girls, I suppose!
– No, no one plays with me, I myself , Sometimes I conquer dating in the game, but rarely.
– Of course, I want to be different in the game. My character externally differs from me – this is a blonde with hair combed back.
– The surrounding atmosphere is important to me , otherwise I just will not be interested in the game.
– How to meet? Come to me in Lipetsk with a bouquet of flowers! A joke, of course.
-For a gamer girl will be a plus if the guy plays , __Since there is already a topic for conversation after acquaintance; Perhaps in the future we will play together, learn from each other and generally enjoy life together!
Anya sent a photo to the competition among the first, but soon stopped monitoring the progress of the event. According to her, “at first I was counting on victory, but when I saw how many beautiful girls playing“ Allods ”…”. Then you will see another insert about Anabel, already based on the photo shoot itself.
[Gambling.Ru] tell me what a heimer guy needs to get to know such a beauty as you? Or the chances of zero and gamers do not interest you in principle, you have other priorities?
[Alruna] You just need to say hello and start dialogue. And automatically fall under the 1001 point “Plan about an ideal man” … Well, I'm joking, of course. In my acquaintance, I did not refuse anyone. Well, I won’t give advice to those who want not just acquaintances – suddenly everyone will dramatically want to conquer my heart! And what should I do with all these conquerors who fell on my head? By the way, the guy plays or not – it does not matter at all (unless the gamer will not have to explain, say why it is so important not to miss the raid).
[Pachatta] Nothing is impossible. The main thing is desire. Well, as I said above, I love new acquaintances and treat them with enthusiasm. I know a lot of homes who got to know me the first. Still alive, nothing happened to them!
[] and finally tell you something very, very special about yourself. Be sure, our readers will not tell anyone even under torture!
[Alruna] Well … if the readers remain silent, then I will say in secret – I am completely reckless, I am ready for any adventures (within the laws of the Russian Federation, of course). If you knew how much nonsense I have done (but which)! However, I do not regret it, life must be diversified! In addition, then it’s nice to recall your tricks with friends and laugh heartily. And I also don't know how to be offended. Only TS-s, otherwise friends will understand that my “insults” are a farce pure water, and will be completely lugged.
And I also sing wherever possible or impossible, although I do not have an outstanding voice. Once, my sister and I, taking the drum and marats, walked along the embankment and sang Russian rock. We even had fans, because we went regularly, at the same time. Someone even tried to shove money to us, but we, like true bards, worked for the idea!
[Pachatta] I don’t know how special it is, but I am scared when the answering machine is triggered, so I keep the phone next to it even during the game. In general, thanks to the competition – now everyone knows that I am a girl, not … a representative of the floor dominant among gamers!
Program chest: through thorns to sophim
According to our Slots Shine sister sites initial idea, the photo shoot for Maxim Online was supposed to become Gvozda programs. In fact, the answers of the winners to our tricky questions seemed much more interesting to us, so we started with them.
Anabel photography, which is dying nearby, is taken at a photo shoot and provided exclusively for the publication on ". In the picture, the girl depicts a hunter from "Allods Online", and nearby – an intra -game analogue.
Costive is a cosplay studio "Zaporekali" .
And again we will give Ana to tell about the shooting:
– I thought I would not get even in the top ten , So I had nothing to lose, and I sent consent to the shooting for Maxim Online.
– I didn't hope for anything And I thought that the jury members for a photo shoot would choose more … lush forms. When I was elected, I was happy at first, and then I was frightened that I would be forced to act naked, and I was afraid until the very beginning of the photo shoot, but then the fear disappeared somewhere.
– I'm the most ordinary girl and never starred in a professional studio, although I really dreamed about it. Especially in an erotic form.
Well, finally – Wonderway. The MTV entertainment channel shot a video that has one of the finalists and Anabel. As usual, MTV shake the story of a bunch of all kinds designed for incidents, but if you are ready to keep your ears on the castle and do not laugh into your voice, you can look at the contestants alive and see Ani's preparation for the photo shoot.
When you write comments – remember that the heroines of this article can come in and read what you write!