Contents of disk No. 2/2017

► Special

10 best games for a large screen

Time: 6:05

It is best to play some games not on a small monitor, but on a huge screen. Game blockbusters as a large -scale movie are disclosed only on large canvases, and the graphics are progressing every year faster. In addition, modern projectors allow you to arrange a game "Cinema" with a high -quality picture right at home. We decided to make a list of ten games that were created clearly not for laptop screens.

The best militants 2016

Time: 8:21

The best militants of 2016-according to the version of the gambling!

The best adventures 2016

Time: 6:16

The best adventures of 2016-according to the version of the gambling!

How to buy games?

Time: 5:24

Any self -respecting gamer buys licensed games. There are many pluses, except for pure conscience: these are “original” assemblies, and timely patches, and support from developers, and, of course, network functions. Ways to buy games, both on a PC and on prefixes, now two: on a disk or in a digital copy. Due to the rapid development of the Internet, the purchase of discs is gradually gone into the past, and more and more gamers prefer to buy new items in various online services.

Best Cooperative Games 2016

Time: 6:13

The best cooperative games of 2016-according to Gamemenia!

Life hacks of zombie apocalypse: Dead Riding 4

Time: 7:27

And you have a plan for the case of a zombie apocalypse?

All Secret Cars Forza Horizon 3

Time: 10:25

The world of motorists periodically shake legends about how a unique car has found in some shed that no one has already seen dozens. Most of these legends are fiction, some are reality, but they are all part of the mythology of modern motorists. Naturally, the Forza Horizon series could not pass by, so inconspicuous sheds are scattered in the vast expanses of Colorado, France and the fields of Australia, in which legendary cars can be found in a terrifying state.

Legendary supercars in the cinema and Forza Horizon 3

Time: 9:19

You will not surprise anyone with real actors in games. What about real cars? In racing games, cars are also in a sense of characters: everyone has their own story, a list of achievements and personal interesting features. We decided to restore justice and talk about the coolest real cars that were lucky enough to get into the game industry. Fasten the belts: go to Forza Horizon 3!

The most anticipated games of 2017 (the main game intrigues)

Time: 16:07

The most anticipated projects 2017 – according to the version of "Gambrine". Which of them will “shoot” and who will become the main disappointment of the year?

The main games of 2017 (the most anticipated hits)

Time: 15:23

We have chosen a dozen games that are completely sure: they will become hits. Twelve main games of 2017-according to Gamemenia!

Secrets and Easter Easterks GEARS of WAR 4

Time: 8:39

The authors of the fourth part of GEars of War were faced with the same problem as Jay Jaja Abrams when shooting the seventh episode. It was very, very important for them to please the old fans. Make the new game recognize the canonical and give an unspoken permission for further development in the series.

Best graphics in games 2016

Time: 6:17

The best graphics in the games of 2016-according to Gamemenia!

Kojima again blew up the Internet: what we saw in the death Stranding trailers?

Time: 16:44

We analyze in detail the second video of the game Death Stranding.

The most incredible structures in Minecraft

Time: 5:48

Remember the video where we collected the most epic mechanisms created in Minecraft? Yes, not just mechanisms, but quite working calculators and even a computer. Albeit incredible sizes. Today we want to show you another selection. The most epic and huge constructions, some in full -size! You say – well, how can folding of cubes be compared with the real radio on Radstone? Yes, to repetition of known buildings, you do not need to be a cunning code. Good enough plan and enviable perseverance. But is it not worthy of respect? And take a look at the result! He is worth it.

Online games in 2016. What we played?

Time: 9:32

Online games in the list of our New Year's nominations did not fall: the outgoing year did not bring a single noticeable release. Therefore, instead of the rating, we decided to evaluate the entire market in its entirety. What he lived, what games set the tone in 2016, and what should we wait in the near future.

The best PVP games 2016

Time: 9:12

The best PVP games of 2016-according to the version of the gambling!

Best Role Games 2016

Time: 8:33

The best role -playing games of 2016 according to Gambling.

The best “sandboxes” 2016

Time: 6:02

The best “sandboxes” of 2016-according to the version of the gambling!

The best stealth games 2016

Time: 6:15

The best stealth games of 2016-according to Gambling!

Best Strategies 2016

Time: 7:46

The best strategies in 2016-according to the version of the gambling!

Watch Dogs 2 – Virtual Excursion in San Francisco

Time: 8:28

In the Sunny San Francisco, where Watch Dogs 2 takes place, where it is more fun than in the gloomy Chicago from the first part. Ubisoft sought to show the city as realistic as possible, and this applies not only to architecture, but also in culture and lifestyle of citizens. It turned out with them-sincerely say-cool, so now it’s a sin not to go on a virtual tour of San Francisco!

Hot announcements Wg Fest 2016

Time: 7:21

On December seventeenth, WARGAMING was held in Moscow – a large -scale game festival of Wargaming. In several halls of the “Expocenter”, players, developers, e -sportsmen and press gathered near Moscow City. It could be expected that the program as always will be the World of Tanks – on PC and on consoles, desktop and mobile, professional and amateur … But the audience was waiting for a surprise ..

Best Free Games Windows Store

Time: 6:36

Many gamers bypass the Windows Store Appendix Building System built in the operating system. And completely in vain: in recent years, he has committed a noticeable qualitative jerk, and his catalog has become much more extensive. Gambling decided to figure out what Windows Store offers, and chose seven good games that can be downloaded for free in the store – and immediately play.

The best reprints

Time: 6:09

The best reprints of 2016-according to Gambling!

The best quests

Time: 6:17

The best quests of 2016-according to the version of the gambling!

The best fights

Time: 6:41

The best fighting wings of 2016-according to Gambling!

The best races

Time: 6:04

The best races of 2016-according to the version of the gambling!

The best indie games

Time: 7:50

The best indie games of 2016-according to the version of the gambling!

The best games for monitors 21: 9

Time: 7:04

The best games for monitors 21: 9 of 2016-according to the version of the gambling!

► Epic bugs

Epic bugs: Deus Ex: Mankind Divved

Time: 5:34

You probably guessed which patient came to our clinic, ahemist. The wounded hero, the iron knight of the cloak and Shocar, the favorite of women and some men – Adam Jensen! We waited a little while the passions around Deus Ex: Mankind Divined, and are now ready to show what horrors pursue the brave interpol at his workplace.

► War Thunder

War Thunder: Polygon | Episode 22

Time: 15:07

“Polygon” is a weekly transfer for commanders of ships, tankers and pilots War Thunder.

War Thunder: Polygon | Episode 23

Time: 12:40

“Polygon” is a weekly transfer for commanders of ships, tankers and pilots War Thunder.

War Thunder: Polygon | Episode 24

Time: 14:28

“Polygon” is a weekly transfer for commanders of ships, tankers and pilots War Thunder.

War Thunder: Polygon | Episode 25

Time: 13:17

“Polygon” is a weekly transfer for commanders of ships, tankers and pilots War Thunder, special festive release! Today in the program: we recall the case when the German pilot refused to bring down an enemy bomber.

War Thunder: Polygon | Episode 26

Time: 14:26

On the air "Polygon" is a weekly transfer for commanders of ships, tankers and pilots War Thunder.

► retro

Assassin’s Creed – History of the enmity of the Assassins and Templars

Time: 10:07

The abduction of Desmond Miles Corporation “Abstergo Industry” was the beginning of the story about the centuries -old confrontation of the Templars and Assassins. What we just did not see in the genetic memory of the ancestors! Millions of gamers around the world, along with Desmond and its successors, survived an exciting adventure in life – in November 2017 to the Assassins will have been knocking for ten years!

10 most and most Christmas games

Time: 8:06

Christmas notes almost the entire planet, and, of course, such a significant event has found numerous displays in mass culture: books, films, music and games, of course, too. And if you still lack the New Year's mood in real life – you can try to feel it in games charged by a festive spirit. Start cleaning tangerines! Ahead – a dozen of the most Christmas games according to Gambling!

10 villains who were probably right

Time: 10:24

Most game villains are angry and proud of this. But the anti -heroes of our today's list are not such. Behind their ambiguous acts is a firm conviction of their rightness and the belief that the only way can the world be better. Thinking about their motives, we ourselves are not always sure that we are fighting on the right side. Get your moral compass, we offer you a list of ten antagonists who may have been right. Caution, spoilers!

10 most insidious traitors

Time: 10:44

At the dawn of the appearance of the game, they did not carry a special semantic load: know, run for yourself yes shoot or jump and fight . But then the plot began to appear in the games: they loved, threw game heroes, and then loved again, they made new friends and experienced other life situations. But it often happened that friends were not the ones for whom they gave themselves . We decided to compose for you the top 10 most insidious traitors in video games, whose vile actions were well remembered by the players.

TOP-5 of the best assassins

Time: 7:54

Before leaving for a break, a series of games Assassin’s Creed gave us many bright characters. It is possible to scold Ubisoft for the “conveyor” as much as you like, but their famous franchise can not be taken away from one dignity. Heroes come out alive, emotional and worthy of empathy: from the righteous Altair to the greedy Edward Kanway, from the Indian Radunhagad to the nobleman Arno Dorian.

► Video reviews

For Honor – will the samurai of the knight will overcome?

Time: 9:28

As is usually the case with Ubisoft – the closer to the release, the more often the company shares details about its games. The gamepads did not have time to cool down from the last show for Honor, as a new one took place – this time in Paris, where new classes of characters were presented to reporters and showed several missions of a single campaign.

5 reasons to love Gwint

Time: 6:52

Miracle workers from CD Projekt Red make any trinket to conscience. Here is a mini-game from a witcher 3, who was supposed to simply dilute the gameplay of this grandiose action-RPG, received popular recognition and went to live her life.

Dead Rising 4 – New Year's salad of zombies

Time: 6:07

New Year holidays are approaching. The obsessive Jingle Bells will soon play in my head, and the soul will require uncomplicated fun, but where is it already there – the prerequisite of the fever at work and study, the arrival of distant relatives, a festive dinner in the family circle! How to get away from all this bustle, what to find an outlet? This is where the star hour DEAD RISING 4 comes.

Killing Floor 2 – Meat and Graindcor

Time: 5:57

Killing Floor 2 pleasantly shred mutants. Yes, and it looks all appropriate. A significant role in the local shootings is played by the Meat system, which allows to be decapitated, condensed, quarter to quarter. It is not enough in which game the dismemberment of enemies turns into art – Killing Floor 2 cannot be taken away from this. In addition, all this bloody bath, you arranged at the level, will remain there until the end of the match.

Steep – Extreme Simulator

Time: 5:06

Steep stands out against the background of other games of the season. Surely there are those who are already tired of shooting in new -fangled shooters and the struggle for freedom and all in recent action. And for them, an extreme sports simulator will become an outlet. Indeed, why not get distracted from the salvation of the world and not slide a couple of times along the snowy slope?

The Last Guardian – Me and my faithful keeper

Time: 5:44

We have been waiting for a long one for nine years and finally waited: The Last Guardian came out. All owners of PS4 can find out a touching story about a little boy and his huge bird of a friend, similar to Griffin. The leading designer Fumit Weda told in a new game how to relate to his pets, and to everyone who is dear to us – not to be afraid to delve into their problems, help them and be an inspirer.

Tyranny – Servant of the Dark Lord

Time: 5:13

The powerful magician Kayros subordinated almost the entire continent to his will and rules the iron hand. The last island of independence, the small kingdoms of the tiers, have to subordinate it to you.

► unboxing!

Unpacking: Watch Dogs 2 – The Return of DedSec collection publication

Time: 2:17

Today we will unpack the collection publication Watch Dogs 2! Test Deja Wu? It is not surprising, a month ago we have already studied one thing. But Ubisoft, in principle, loves to make several different collectors to his games.

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